Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Al fino

Finally, I am almost done with the Fall Semester of 2008.

It seriously blew. I didn't do my best, I took 21 hours of class, and I let myself (and to some extent my professors) down. 

However, I did pretty well in some aspects. My Italian has improved, I've gotten a bit better about being proactive in regards to readings and homework, if only a little bit, and I didn't party. 

I had Japanese yesterday which was surprisingly long but not too bad. I slept when I got home, woke up at midnight, read, then did some homeworks to be resubmitted for the end of the semester. 

I got a box of candy for my professor since she was really kind. She went so out of the way to help me. I love professors that come off as stern and serious at first but turn out to be the most interesting, kind and amazing people ever. 

Now I'm off get ready and go to school to study for my last final. Wish me luck. 


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Be Mine!

I'm doing my revision for the Italian final paper I'd been freaking out about.

My topic has broadened a bit and changed to the evolution of the idealization of the woman loved. It's really hard to make sure I'm talking about the idealization and not the figure of the woman herself as she's never really humanized. She's just this amazing image in a poet's head.

Which just made me think, "Don't I do the same when I think about what I want in a relationship?" Which might explain why I'm eternally single. 

I picked up some new cd's I'd been looking at for a while. I've listened to "Be Mine!" by Robyn for about a year and a half now but it never gets old. Pick it up for Christmas, it's worth it.

Back to the paper. 5 pages to go. 

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Oh baby can't you see, 待つのは得意じゃないけど...

Commencing Anthropology essay.

We were talking in class the other day about our favorite thing (out of the art world, or what we can relax to).

I said languages and music, specifically how someone expresses themselves through the lyrics in a song in different languages. English tends to be a bit more rhythm gamey and flat out with emotions, Italian I'm honestly not sure but a lot of it is kind of...corny to me (unless it's Carmen Consoli), and Japanese uses shitloads of imagery and description, plus lots of forever's (永遠) and I love you's. 

In other news, my friend told me to find a boyfriend. Pardon me while I find out what is wrong with me. Clearly I'm an ugly beast with a low intelligence level.

Oh wait not so much. I will be the 40 year old virgin. Oh my. (I'm more than half-way.) Less to take up my oh-so-plentiful free time.

Right. Onto conservation in Southeast Asia. Go makeout with your significant other if you're reading this. You should be fucking, not reading a blog.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Scacco Matto

Here's a poem we had to read in class. My teacher had gotten it from her father who had gotten it from co-workers. They were in Italy. If you understand Italian, read this.

Scacco Matto

Sono nato a Rockaway,sotto Brooklyn, in un lembo di terra che sembra un dito largo e teso nell’ Atlantico.

Non ricordo donna che m’ abbia custodito d’ amore l’ infanzia e i primi incanti.

Ma è stato bello crescere dietro una siepe, ogni giorno l’ oceano negli occhi,

bello come scovare orgoglio malnascosto nella faccia italiana di mio padre

la volta in cui entrai a casa con il primo stipendio da contabile.

 Volle giocare una partita a scacchi e fumando due sole sigarette,

fece che lo battessi senza scuse su una mossa di torre e di regina.

Concluse che dovevo sempre stare attento alle torri,

comunque infide nei loro movimenti lunghi su un percorso di croce bianco e nero.

“Infide” disse serio il mio vecchio

E ricordavo la parola sorridendo di martedì quell’ undici settembre

Mentre correvo a lavorare per Manhattan.

E il suo monito posso riconoscere ora che sono polvere dispersa da un lampo osceno,

polvere abbandonata fra altre polveri scomposte sotto un marciapiede divelto,

a fianco della foglia dove mio padre non potrà mai trovarmi,

nemmeno per tenermi la mano degli scacchi.

Ero di Rockaway e non ho avuto amore né conforto di donna:

una adesso ne venga e chieda agli iris bianchi

di fiorire nel nome mio indistinto, cancellato.

And I'm off to bed. Let me know if anyone got that. I have to re-read it myself. I was supposed to do a homework on it quite a while ago but I'm getting to it now.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I stayed up all night. I've done nearly all of my midterm Part 1.

I also have a few regular homeworks to do. I'm currently enjoying VH1 and some music videos. Let's hope I don't pass out cold in class.

I'm only taking 12 credits next semester.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Fuck my life, part 2

I have just started my essay. It's 4:41 AM.

I cannot wait for this semester to end. Two weeks then finals. Fuck my school is so late.
Someone tell me why I'm not in Japan right now?

Oh right I need to actually graduate someday soon and I'm not rich. Also, the dollar is fucking 93 yen to a dollar. That means everything is fucking 高すぎる。

Really going to do this shit. I PROMISE.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Fuck my life

I have a rough draft due for class tomorrow. 

I decided to do Dolce Stil Novo but we only did 2 works from Guido Guinizelli and 1 from Dante that would be considered so. Not to mention we discussed EVERYTHING in such detail that there is barely anything to say.

I think I'll just talk about how the comparisons of a loved woman to religious figures, mainly God, reflect the importance of religion in the authors' lives. 

OH and it has to be in perfect italian

Off topic, I need to stop playing with my claddagh ring. I'm going to lose it.

Somewhat on topic, I want an Italian boyfriend. So he can make out with me and do my homework.